Ghostrider is a swedish fella over 30 and under 45 . He has a wife , two kids and a nice house. He's bought his soon a quad and on occasions he can be found helping at the local community centre.
On chosen weekdays in summer months he dodges police and rides like a lunatic. He is a mix of heroic and comedic - with a fair it of idiot thrown in. He has been arrested once ironically for pretending to be Ghostrider on a BMX. He walked out an hour later with a grin on his face . He has pulled 200 mph wheelies on the stockholm ring road and has had as amny as 6 police cars and 2 choppers chasing him down . And yet he's never been caught .
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Saturday, June 7, 2008
Who is the ghostrider??
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just so your aware. ghostrider is from australia. residing on the gold coast. he does his stunts in stockholm because of their law that they have to catch you the same day you commit your crime. their are a few knock offs from germany and also sweden but the original is from austalia. his parents were in the military. look up ghostrider exposed where they talk about his mansion getting raided. the found his sti. gsxr 1000 and a few other high performance bikes.
some say ghostrider was a young stuntrider who goes by the name of chip from essex england he has ridden bikes since a young age an at the age of eighteen was stunt riding with the west coast wheelie boys in 2003 he atempted the world wheelie record on elvington airfield. in this event front wheels where raising at over 200mph the rides in stockholm where fully sponsered by 666 an ghostrider never owned the bike's the boy is a legend and a close friend an has no fear of the fast tarmac we call the road ............. the dark prince will ride again where no one knows
ghostrider has hidden his identity for the reason to allow him to ride again but as the police in sweden have to convict you on the day of the crime then he has nothing to worry about having teased police to pursue him across sweden on bikes high speed police cars an even helicopters yet never been caught is a mystery to me the dark prince will dice with death between lorrys an cars at speeds of in excess of 150 mph . the rumours of the dark prince being a british stunt rider that dissapeered off the stunt scene at the time of the reign of the the dark prince can only lead to one name former west cost wheelie legend Dale CHIP Leeks say no more
dale leeks if it is the same dale leeks now rides in the british straightliners championship an he certainly likes to get that front wheel off the ground. from what i am aware there has been more than one ghostrider an all had sidenames ghostrider is the name they all go under one thing is for certain there fuckin mental an there reaction times at the speeds they travel an dice with death are somthing else these boys have definatly made a deal with the devil either that or there just plain fuckin mad
as far as im aware chip went under the name of the dark prince an was the rider in the ghostrider getaway in stockholm dvd earlier than this dvd chip did not appear and as far as i know Patrick Furstenhoff was one of the first ghostriders as there r more than one this is why there names can be put out there but as the police have no proof who was under the helmet on each dvd then they have no case the only way they will catch them is in a body bag there not criminals just lads who like a challenge an lads who like to go fast
as 4 the australian i have never heard that one but chip/dale yes this boy was riding for west coast an for no aparrant reason stopped. then 6 months later the next ghostrider dvd is released an the rider in stockholm has the same leathers helmet an boots as chip had ridden in for west coast then later that year at the nec bike show chip was questioned as to wether he had anything to do with ghostrider or wether he was the ghostrider an all he had to say " ghosts r hard to find many people claim to have seen a ghost but how many actually have you think youve just seen a ghost
all i have to say on the matter is ride safe an never copy him he is a professional stunt rider an to copy him could cost you your lifes an for him to no you where copying him at the time would destroy everything he has done an deeply upset him let him be the entertainment that you can watch safely from your televison let him take the risks for you xxx xxx xxx
for your imformation he has emailed me this for me to put up on the board fans safety is one of his main concerns an without your support none of this could have been possible thankyou to my many fans an with the correct preperation an time the next ride may soon be under way get saddled up officers this one is going to get scary
who ever these riders r much respect to them you wouldnt catch me doing it
espn big cc sel comas el radiase dela forma ad dale leeks felge de mas gsxr suzuki ferd aldo
The photo shoot a couple of weeks ago for the next dvd went well an the planning for next years dvd is on the way the dark prince has lost his fucking marble's as in the meeting deicided he wants to ride through the corridoors of the police station in central stockholm. an that was not his craziest idea he wants to do a lap of the M25 in london england this is the largest ring road in england an heavily policed with quick access for police bikes cars and also the copper choppers
he has said he may atempt to break his own world record next year for the fastest wheelie as no one has challange him he has to challenge himself
that fucker who said that ghostrider is from australia must be fucking brain dead!! ghostdriver is not only one person! they are a team and thats why they can get away whit it beucase the police cant say who it was. and sweden dont have a law that says they must catch the criminal mat the same day:S are you fucking stupid... ghostdriver is the man and that person/persons who talks shit about him should se if they can do it themselves
Ghostrider lives in Haninge in Stockholm, he lived next to me when i was living in Haninge, he is a really cool guy, and he is not from austrailia or some bullshit!
the Australian youyube exposed Ghost Rider is FAKE. anyone with half a brain can google and see which names come up synonamously with "ghost rider" and ther is no oliver.. no matter how much u search lol.
There have been a couple of GR's but the main GR is P.F. He lives in Sweden.
Just for fun... I know the guy who owned the NSX in Getaway Stockholm 3.
pf is one of the riders from sweden so is mc potatos from germany and chip from england is in some of the ghostrider movies all this australian shit what a load of bollocks
just to imform you patrick was arrested in stockholm on wednesday evening and mc potatos real name rennee hanns was arrested thursday morning in hanover interpol will be working hard with british and european police to pull in the dark prince
Is it over and out for the ghostrider and the website?
Cant believe i'm still waiting for ghostrider to return.But then again he's a legend. :)
eric thank you for your support and sorry i havnt got back any sooner we are constantly working on material and will keep you updated on any releases in the near future some of the things writen in this blog are very far fetched the whole team is european there is no austrailian involvement and are footage is a huge team effort and a good way of training the police over europe we have an english rider who wants to take the series there for a tour but let me tell u them boys in blue in england are on the ball watch this space and congratulations to one of our team members for a place in a britsh championships this year be safe and ride responsibly
"the rumours of the dark prince being a british stunt rider that dissapeered off the stunt scene at the time of the reign of the the dark prince can only lead to one name former west cost wheelie legend Dale CHIP Leeks say no more
that is so false , he was spotted street racing in japan last yr on a metalic black busa.
many people in qld , australia know its a man only named as oliver who was caught on a sas training runway, were they clocked him doing 325km/ph. they gave the infomation and shots to the local police who later raided "olivers" home and found 8 modified street bikes and 2 wrx's which all look the same as in vids on youtube and metacafe.
the government got involved due to "olivers" father being in the american special forces and gave him a pardon on his real name, reason for oliver being the only name in use.
private investigators were already tracking "oliver" for years, and everytime a new ghost rider clip was released, oliver was overseas and in the same area as the film clip was shot, which shows that it ant no brit, american, jap or euro rider, its a man living in oz.
and also he was clocked by qld highway patrol doing 308km/ph on the 28/12/2009 which was all over the news as it was him on a green busa :D
Of course we do know who the GhostRider is. His name is Patrick Furstenhoff, he works in a Subaru dealership in Stockholm, and he is a good friend of mine. SO HE IS NOT AMERICAN or fron UK or what so ever !!!! He posted his Name one year ago officialy, search him on the Web.... All you guys have no dub about anything... Idiots
You guys are funny. I love all the stories I will release a new dvd driving a bmw 335si
Crysty: No, he is not THE GhostRider
hi there a friend of mine told me to google my own name today so i did my name is dale leeks aka chip from the uk . although im very flattered im affraid i can not take the crown i dont know where you all get your imformation from but i will confirm for you that i do ride a drag bike in the uk and i have met ghostrider at the the world wheelie weekend at elvington hes a real nice bloke and he goes by the name of patrick furstenhoff from sweden he broke a world record whilst we where there by wheelieing at over 200 mph i think it was 216mph but as it was 2006 i think i cant remember so just to clear it up for you it isnt me unfortunately also you can meet him at many a bike show hes a short arse and a very friendly bloke . take it or leave it this is fact
I heard GhostRider was a shape shifting reptilian from the inner earth. Why do you think his visor is always down? They supposedly have almost superhuman like reflexes, able to perform better than any average man would be able to do. And the fact that he has all this money to just blow on toys and housing in different locations points to the obvious fact that he has government black ops funding. Prolly just a ploy to show the general public how out of control the people are getting. Martial law is coming folks.
Patrik Fürstenhoff
Nuf Sed..........
sorry to say but if you look at the pics 0f the ghost rider carefully you will see that patrick furstenhoff has a thin pale neck and 'ghost rider' has a more tanned/red thicker neck so sorry he is not the ghost rider do you research
i would make perfect sense that the ghost rider is australian alot of good motorbike riders have come out of australia. so to me it stands to reason
U fools crack me up...Who the fuck cares who the ghostrider is as long as the police dont get him and he can keep making his fans happy!!! Anyone can build a bike to match his and have gear made that looks the same... His skill on a bike can never be duplicated u may think u can ride like the ghost but u will NEVER be the GHOSTRIDER.
Peace out, Much luv to the real ghostrider keep it up bro u r a legend and forever will be
He's an intresting breed, rare, to have that level of concentration, and why? Couldnt he be best used chasing criminals or world rally, he could have been Colin McRae!
good lord its obvious!!!!!!!!! its the stigs brother hahahaha
Funks said.... U all need to get a life and stop going on about a man who don't give a poo about putting peoples lifes at risk and wasting police time and money. Take up a hobby or something and do something useful with ur life instead of racing round the streets life a twat there are solders dying out there trying to fight a war and all u can do is Put peoples lifes at risk and think about urself trying to become famous
Everyone seems to want to believe Ghostrider is who they say he is but at the end of the day nobody really knows who he is, Does it really matter ?? He´s a very skilled rider & entertainer and who ever he is i wish him well for the future.
Funks said.... U all need to get a life and stop going on about a man who don't give a poo about putting peoples lifes at risk and wasting police time and money. Take up a hobby or something and do something useful with ur life instead of racing round the streets life a twat there are solders dying out there trying to fight a war and all u can do is Put peoples lifes at risk and think about urself trying to become famous
your a joke ive seen worse drivers making stupid mistakes where as the ghostriders seem to have it al planned out and quite frankly its his skill that keeps him and everybody else alive over the past decade cheers aka yourdadsnemesis
Nobody knows wu Ghostrider is but who cares that makes it boring knowing who he is, all I know is he has a real talent and he is using it.why keep saying he is a danger for the roads people loke him makes the road's more fun and daring. Keep doong what u do, we all like it.
hey ghost fans,
how come 'ghost rider, what the fuck' was real tame compared to his other movies? there was hardly any traffic weaving at high speeds and such and a lame GIS driving crap at offense GR fans but what;s the go. Seems to me that he has changed his style or something he even still alive ?maybe he died and no one else can ride like he can...or the cops got to him and told him quiet down a bit before they lock him up for good :<)?just sayin that's all
Is he still alive? Has new videos come out or are they all old?
No matter how good eventually you go done especially the way he rides. His skill is great but traffic is unpredictable and at that speed all it takes is one mistake. Is he still around?
Thank you for all nice thing you talk about me. I am very much alive. just taking it easy for my kids. Thank very much. PF
Im thinking about making another movie in 2013. Who's still interested? Just let me know.
Nobody knows who he is and the internet has been full of people guessing his identity and whether or not he's still alive year after year...and then another movie comes out. This guy isn't stupid and until the news comes out with a confirmation or someone publicly announces that they are him, with verification, don't believe ANY of it.
I am the ghost rider. Thanks for nice things said. Will be out and about soon tc
Im back....stay tuned!
Actually, there is more than one ghostrider. there are at least 5 that I know of. I used to do some filming for them. I know for sure one of them lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada now. the others were from Sweden, Germany, and one from England. I never heard them say anything about names, or family. The arranged to meet, ride and film. They always had a way to get out of the police chase (local garage, house with garage, trailer in a parking lot disguised as contractors home repair trailer) Very smart, talented guys.
Lol foolish child everything about "ghost rider" is that he is swedish just because someone had a bike like his dosent mean its his.. idiot
ghost rider videos are wicked to watch,im hooked on them,who cares how many there are in the world,its brilliant entertainment.
the one for me has to be Patrick Fürstenhoff by far.
You guys are fucking nuts. For all the doubters:
There have been many rumors over the years that Ghost Rider is a series of guys, and that some of them have died doing this. There was a german Ghost Rider copycat who died, that might have been the explanation for that rumor. Other rumors said he was in jail. None of it is true. The REAL Ghost Rider is still alive and kicking, and is one man. You can clearly see in all the videos he has the same build, rides the same bike not to mention walks and sits on the bike in the exact same way.
It is well known in swedish motorcycle circles that Ghost Rider is Patrick Fürstenhoff, a 40 year old professional stunt driver from Swedish Wheelie Team, who just so happen to have various wheelie world records, such as fastest wheelie at over 300 km/h. He did this back in 1999. Sound familiar?
Patrick Fürstenhoff also just happen to be the distributor of the Ghost Rider DVDs.
Besides that, fucking google "Ghost rider patrick furstenhoff" and you will see many facebook type images of Ghost Rider without his helmet, standing next to his turbo busa, sometimes yellow, sometimes black, even wearing the same leather as in the movies. So far Ghost Rider has supposedly been from the UK, and the man people thought was him, has debunked it himself. Then suddendly he is from Australia, just riding in sweden.
You guys fucking crack me up.
Patrick you should post an image of the Busa, while holding out a swedish flag. That would be confirmation enough. I am just getting sick of reading the same nonsense over the years, everything from him being dead, to there being several Ghost Riders, to him being fucking german, australian, english, polish, russian etc.
keep pushing your Luck at those speeds like that eventually it will run out and you will go down hard just a matter of time that's all...
awesome fuckin high speed riding
wish i could do that on my car fuckin slow assholes always infront of me wish I could rip between them at 250 kms!
Mate, can you tell me more. I meant a man claiming to be the real ghost rider with elite forces. Says his on the coast, Sunshine coast, Australia. I have pitures of this first bike. Anymote info would be helpful. My Youtube channel has the video of my first time I meet man and his photo's. or wozzas sportscruiser rides Any info would be great.
Hi admin, are you still there. I'm in Australia, I have a man that has come to me claiming to be the real Ghost Rider. Is he from Australia as the first comment suggested.
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